What is the price of Yadea Voltguard?
On road prices of Yadea Voltguard in Kuala Lumpur starts from for base variant VC181P, while the top spec variant VC181P costs at .
Variant | Price |
VC181P |
More Frequently Asked Questions About Yadea Voltguard
Yadea Voltguard Questions & Answers (FAQs)
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What is the Yadea Voltguard Seat Height?
The Yadea Voltguard seat height is 700 mm .
Helpful (226)What are the Dimensions of Yadea Voltguard?
The Yadea Voltguard dimensions are as follows - Height: 1138 mm , Length: 1924 mm , Width: 706 mm .
Helpful (61)What is the Tyre Type of Yadea Voltguard?
The Yadea Voltguard has Radial, Tubeless Tyre Type.
Helpful (154)What else I Can buy in Yadea Voltguard price range?
The top alternatives of Yadea Voltguard in the same price range are Treeletrik T-70 RM 7,850 - 8,350 , Eclimo ES-11 RM 13,500, BMW CE 04 RM 59,500, N-moto NCE S and N-moto NCE .
Helpful (187)What is the Price of Yadea Voltguard Diesel ?
There is no diesel engine option available in Yadea Voltguard.
Helpful (103)What is the Price of Yadea Voltguard Automatic ?
The Price of Yadea Voltguard Automatic variants are: Voltguard VC181P.
Helpful (193)How many images available in Yadea Voltguard?
Yadea Voltguard motorcycle has 4 exterior Images.
Helpful (14)How many colour options available in Yadea Voltguard?
Yadea Voltguard is available in 5 different colors in Malaysia. check Voltguard colors images.
Helpful (4)What are the color options available in Yadea Voltguard?
There are total 5 colors available in Malaysia for Yadea Voltguard: White, Red, Grey, Blue and Black etc.
Helpful (5)What are the Safety Features Available in Yadea Voltguard?
Yadea Voltguard safety features are: Pass Switch and Side Reflectors
Helpful (24)Compare Yadea Voltguard With Similar Motorcycles
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