Good bike for daily commute
Bought MR1 about 5 years ago. I used it for daily commute and ferry my kids to school. It serve it purpose for my daily commute and a very economical bike. Just replace the drive chain and sprocket a couple of week ago and both tire just days ago. The battery has been replaced with a dry cell (recommended) and the "charger" as well. It a bike that cheap to maintain and no drama. Owners just to make sure the engine oil are replaced at regular interval i.e. 1000k or below. I m contemplating getting a second unit as my eldest son is in the need for a transport for his daily commute to school. My biggest or my concern on this model is the head light. The brightness is not there. The next model by modenas should look in to this area. Other than that the bike are made for daily life and serve it purpose as long as you take a good care of her, she take a good care of you (your ride)
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