Fuso FN62FM
Fuso FN62FM RM 303,800
Dp RM 60,800 EMI : RM 3,156 x 84


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Fuso FN62FM Questions & Answers (FAQs)

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What are the price of Fuso FN62FM?

The Fuso FN62FM price in the Malaysia starts from RM RM 303,800 and goes up to RM RM 303,800 (excluding SST).

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What is Fuso FN62FM Weight?

The Fuso FN62FM has a gross weight of 25000 kg .

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How much does a Fuso FN62FM cost?

The price of Fuso FN62FM in the Malaysia starts from RM 303,800 and goes upto RM 303,800.

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What else I Can buy in Fuso FN62FM price range?

The top alternatives of Fuso FN62FM in the same price range are UD Trucks Quester CGE , UD Trucks Croner LKE , UD Trucks Croner PKE , Volvo FM and Isuzu ELF NPS .

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What is the price of the base model of Fuso FN62FM?

The base model of Fuso FN62FM is FN62FM Tipper Body, which is availabe in RM 303,800 in the Malaysia.

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What is the Price of Fuso FN62FM Diesel ?

The Price of Fuso FN62FM Diesel variants are: FN62FM Tipper Body (RM 303,800).

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What is the Price of Fuso FN62FM Automatic ?

There is no Automatic option available in Fuso FN62FM.

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What are the top Exterior images of Fuso FN62FM?

Fuso FN62FM has 1 images of its exterior, top FN62FM 2025 exterior images include Front Angle Low View.

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What are the Safety Features Available in Fuso FN62FM?

Fitur keselamatan Fuso FN62FM adalah: Seat Belts and ABS

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Is Fuso FN62FM available in Diesel?

Yes, the FN62FM is available in Diesel engine option. Diesel variant are: Tipper Body.

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Is Fuso FN62FM available in Automatic Transmission?

No, the FN62FM is not available in Automatic transmission option.

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Compare Fuso FN62FM With Similar Trucks

Fuso FN62FM
UD Trucks Quester CGE
UD Trucks Croner LKE
UD Trucks Croner PKE
Volvo FM
RPM at Max Power 2600
RPM at Max Torque 1400
Max Torque 785 Nm
1836 Nm
900 Nm
1050 Nm
1600 Nm
Transmission Manual
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