Best Diesel Box Body Trucks in Malaysia
Find the price list of Diesel Box Body Trucks in the Malaysia. There are a total of 23 Diesel Box Body truck models available for sale. Hino 700 Series, Isuzu FORWARD FVR, Tata Ultra, UD Trucks Quester CKE and UD Trucks Quester CDE are the most popular Diesel Box Body truck models among Malaysia truck buyers. The lowest-priced model is Fuso FE71PB 2025 priced at RM 94,800 and the most expensive one is Fuso FJ1828R 2025, which retails at RM 249,000. Please select your desired Diesel Box Body truck models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
Diesel Box Body Trucks Price in Malaysia
Model | Price List |
Fuso FE71PB | RM 94,800 |
Fuso FE85PE | RM 110,000 |
Fuso FE85PG | RM 114,900 |
Fuso FM65FN | RM 229,100 |
Fuso FJ1828R | RM 249,000 |
23 Best Diesel Box Body Trucks in Malaysia
Key Highlights of Diesel Box Body Trucks
Popular Models Hino 700 Series, Isuzu FORWARD FVR, Tata Ultra, UD Trucks Quester CKE, UD Trucks Quester CDE Affordable Model Fuso FE71PB Expensive Model Fuso FJ1828R