Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES
Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES RM 119,388
Dp RM 23,900 EMI : RM 1,240 x 84

What is the price of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

On road prices of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES in Kuala Lumpur starts from RM 119,388 for base variant Standard, while the top spec variant Standard costs at RM 119,388.

Variant Price
Standard RM 119,388

Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Questions & Answers (FAQs)

  • Overview
  • Price
  • Picture
  • Spec

What is the Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Seat Height?

The Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES seat height is 810 mm .

Helpful (226)

What is the Weight of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

The kerb weight of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES is 253 kg .

Helpful (72)

What is the Power Output of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

The maximum power output of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES is 101 hp and the maximum torque is 112 Nm .

Helpful (88)

What are the Dimensions of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

The Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES dimensions are as follows - Height: 1475 mm , Length: 2310 mm , Width: 960 mm .

Helpful (61)

What is the Engine Displacement of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

The Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES has a 1084 cc Parallel Twin Cylinder, 4-Stroke, 8-Valve, Liquid Cooled OHC Engine engine.

Helpful (95)

What is the Tyre Type of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

The Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES has Radial, Tubeless Tyre Type.

Helpful (153)

How much does a Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES cost?

The price of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES in the Malaysia starts from RM 119,388 and goes upto RM 119,388.

Helpful (408)

What else I Can buy in Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES price range?

The top alternatives of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES in the same price range are BMW S 1000 XR RM 129,500, KTM 1290 Super Adventure S RM 137,800, BMW R 1250 GS RM 127,500, BMW R 1250 GS Adventure RM 140,500 and Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 RM 99,900 - 115,900 .

Helpful (184)

What is the price of the base model of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

The base model of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES is CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Standard, which is availabe in RM 119,388 in the Malaysia.

Helpful (210)

What is the Price of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Diesel ?

There is no diesel engine option available in Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES.

Helpful (103)

What is the Price of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Automatic ?

The Price of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Automatic variants are: CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Standard (RM 119,388).

Helpful (193)

How many images available in Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES motorcycle has 8 exterior Images.

Helpful (12)

How many colour options available in Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES is available in 2 different colors in Malaysia. check CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES colors images.

Helpful (4)

What are the color options available in Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

There are total 2 colors available in Malaysia for Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES: Pearl Glare White Tricolour and Mat Ballistic Black Metallic etc.

Helpful (4)

What is the Engine Capacity of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

The CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES is offered in 1 engine option: 1084 cc. Check complete specs here: Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES spec

Helpful (21)

What are the Safety Features Available in Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES?

Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES safety features are: ABS, Pass Switch, Side Reflectors, Engine Immobilizer and Engine Check Warning

Helpful (24)

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Compare Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES With Similar Motorcycles

Compare Variants Of Honda CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES

  • Petrol
  • CRF 1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports ES Standard
    RM 119,388 OTR Price
    Base Variant Features
    • PetrolPetrol
    • Dual ClutchDual Clutch
    • ABS
    • Pass Switch
    • Display Screen
    • Adjustable Headlights
    • Side Wings
    • Height Adjustable Seats
    • Engine Check Warning
    • Oil Change Indicator
    • Cruise Control
    • Engine Immobilizer
    • Side Reflectors
    • Indicator Light
    • Tripmeter
    • Tachometer

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