What is the price of Benelli 752 S?
On road prices of Benelli 752 S in Kuala Lumpur starts from for base variant Standard, while the top spec variant Standard costs at .
Variant | Price |
Standard |
More Frequently Asked Questions About Benelli 752 S
Benelli 752 S Questions & Answers (FAQs)
- Overview
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- Spec
What is the Benelli 752 S Seat Height?
The Benelli 752 S seat height is 810 mm .
Helpful (202)What is the Power Output of Benelli 752 S?
The maximum power output of Benelli 752 S is 76 hp and the maximum torque is 67 Nm .
Helpful (76)What are the Dimensions of Benelli 752 S?
The Benelli 752 S dimensions are as follows - Height: 1100 mm , Length: 2130 mm , Width: 820 mm .
Helpful (50)What is the Engine Displacement of Benelli 752 S?
The Benelli 752 S has a 754 cc 2-Cylinder, 8 Valves, 4-Stroke, Water-Cooled Engine engine.
Helpful (84)What is the Tyre Type of Benelli 752 S?
The Benelli 752 S has Tubel Tyre Type.
Helpful (146)What else I Can buy in Benelli 752 S price range?
The top alternatives of Benelli 752 S in the same price range are Honda CB650R RM 43,499, Triumph Tiger Sport 660 RM 50,900, BMW CE 02 RM 38,500, Triumph Daytona 660 RM 49,500 and Suzuki GSX-8R RM 53,800.
Helpful (182)What is the Price of Benelli 752 S Diesel ?
There is no diesel engine option available in Benelli 752 S.
Helpful (102)What is the Price of Benelli 752 S Automatic ?
There is no Automatic option available in Benelli 752 S.
Helpful (190)How many images available in Benelli 752 S?
Benelli 752 S motorcycle has 7 exterior Images.
Helpful (1)How many colour options available in Benelli 752 S?
Benelli 752 S is available in 3 different colors in Malaysia. check 752 S colors images.
Helpful (0)What are the color options available in Benelli 752 S?
There are total 3 colors available in Malaysia for Benelli 752 S: Green, Red and Black etc.
Helpful (0)What is the Engine Capacity of Benelli 752 S?
The 752 S is offered in 1 engine option: 754 cc. Check complete specs here: Benelli 752 S spec
Helpful (18)What are the Safety Features Available in Benelli 752 S?
Benelli 752 S safety features are: ABS, Pass Switch, Shutter Lock, Anti-Theft Alarm and Engine Check Warning
Helpful (22)Compare Benelli 752 S With Similar Motorcycles
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