5 Seater Pickup Trucks Cars
Find the price list of 5 Seater Pickup Trucks Cars in the Malaysia. There are a total of 11 5 Seater Pickup Trucks car models available for sale. Toyota Hilux, Mitsubishi Triton, Ford Ranger, Isuzu D-Max and Nissan Navara are the most popular 5 Seater Pickup Trucks car models among Malaysia car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Mitsubishi Triton 2025 priced at RM 87,390 and the most expensive one is Ford Ranger Raptor 2025, which retails at RM 259,888. Please select your desired 5 Seater Pickup Trucks car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
5 Seater Pickup Trucks Cars Price in Malaysia
Model | Price List |
Toyota Hilux | RM 108,800 |
Mitsubishi Triton | RM 105,990 |
Ford Ranger | RM 98,888 - 168,888 |
Isuzu D-Max | RM 92,199 - 157,938 |
Nissan Navara | RM 142,200 |
Maxus T60 | RM 99,000 |
Ford Ranger Raptor | RM 248,888 - 259,888 |
Mazda BT-50 | RM 143,218 |
Mitsubishi Triton 2024 | RM 101,980 - 165,980 |
Peugeot Landtrek | RM 124,124 |
JAC T9 | RM 119,888 - 199,888 |
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11 5 Seater Pickup Trucks Cars
Ford Ranger RaptorRM 248,888 - 259,888 OTR Price Petaling JayaRanger Raptor Price
Mitsubishi Triton 2024RM 101,980 - 165,980 OTR Price Petaling JayaTriton 2024 Price
Key Highlights of 5 Seater Pickup Trucks Cars
Popular Models Toyota Hilux, Mitsubishi Triton, Ford Ranger, Isuzu D-Max, Nissan Navara Affordable Model Mitsubishi Triton Expensive Model Ford Ranger Raptor Upcoming Models GWM Poer P12, Tesla Cybertruck, GWM Cannon