Best Petrol MPV Cars in Malaysia
Find the price list of Petrol MPV Cars in the Malaysia. There are a total of 10 Petrol MPV car models available for sale. Toyota Veloz, Perodua Alza, Nissan Serena, Toyota Innova Zenix and Toyota Innova are the most popular Petrol MPV car models among Malaysia car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Perodua Alza 2025 priced at RM 62,500 and the most expensive one is Toyota Alphard 2025, which retails at RM 538,000. Please select your desired Petrol MPV car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
Petrol MPV Cars Price in Malaysia
Model | Price List |
Toyota Veloz | RM 95,000 |
Perodua Alza | RM 62,500 - 75,500 |
Nissan Serena | RM 149,888 - 169,888 |
Toyota Innova Zenix | RM 165,000 - 202,000 |
Toyota Innova | RM 138,880 - 146,880 |
Citroen Grand C4 SpaceTourer | RM 144,980 |
Toyota Vellfire | RM 438,000 |
Toyota Alphard | RM 538,000 |
Mitsubishi Xpander | RM 99,980 - 109,980 |
10 Best Petrol MPV Cars in Malaysia
Toyota Innova ZenixRM 165,000 - 202,000 OTR Price Kuala LumpurInnova Zenix Price
Citroen Grand C4 SpaceTourerRM 144,980 OTR Price Kuala LumpurGrand C4 SpaceTourer Price
Mitsubishi XpanderRM 99,980 - 109,980 OTR Price Kuala LumpurXpander Price
Key Highlights of Petrol MPV Cars
Popular Models Toyota Veloz, Perodua Alza, Nissan Serena, Toyota Innova Zenix, Toyota Innova Affordable Model Perodua Alza Expensive Model Toyota Alphard Upcoming Models GWM Wey 80