CMC Tekken 250 vs Zontes ZT155G Comparison
The detailed Motorcycles comparison of CMC Tekken 250 and Zontes ZT155G, based on price, specifications & other features is shown below. The CMC Tekken 250 priced at RM 10,500 while the Zontes ZT155G Motorcycles has a price tag of RM 12,000. Comparing the technical specifications, Zontes ZT155G engine displacement is 155 while the CMC Tekken 250 houses a 223 engine.
Read MoreOverview: Tekken 250 vs Zontes ZT155G
Brand | CMC Malaysia | Zontes Malaysia |
Off Road Price* | RM 10,500 Tekken 250 Price | RM 12,000 Zontes ZT155G Price |
Variant | Tekken 250 Standard | Zontes ZT155G Standard |
User Rating | 4.5 Tekken 250 reviews | 4 Zontes ZT155G reviews |
Fuel Type | Petrol Petrol Motorcycles in Malaysia | Petrol Petrol Motorcycles in Malaysia |
Available Color(s) |
Vehicle Type | Sport Sport Motorcycles in Malaysia | Sport Sport Motorcycles in Malaysia |
Key Features
Start Option | Kick & Electric | Electric |
Displacement | 223 cc | 155 cc |
Maximum Power | 22.1 hp | 19 hp |
Best Loan Offers
DP RM 2,100 Installment : RM 109 x 84 Months VIEW DECEMBER OFFERS | DP RM 2,400 Installment : RM 124 x 84 Months VIEW DECEMBER OFFERS |
Photo Comparision
User Ratings & Review Comparison
14 reviews | 6 reviews | |
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CMC Tekken 250 vs Zontes ZT155G FAQs
What is Tekken 250 vs ZT155G dimension size comparison?
The Tekken 250 dimension are 2100 mm length, 880 mm width, 1170 mm height while the ZT155G Dimensions are 1976 mm length, 869 mm width, 1112 mm height. Hence the Tekken 250 is more longer more wider and more higher.
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