Monsoon car care tips a car owner must follow

Monsoon car care tips a car owner must follow

Monsoon is here and with it comes the floods, dirt, and how we can forget the traffic jams. Don’t take it the wrong way, as the monsoon also means the pleasure of taking long road trips and eating hot meals together. However, the season can prove to be a nightmare for car owners, if they fail to take the required precautions.

It is in this season that your car accumulates the most dirt, mud, and of course water. They get trapped in small gaps and openings which if not taken care of, cause rust. Don't worry, it is not much work as little steps are enough to ensure a safe monsoon for you and your car.

So, let’s get started with tips to keep your car in top-notch condition during the rains -

Time to clean: One of the simplest ways to protect your car from mush and water is cleaning it time-to-time. In case you don’t find the time to do so, always make sure to clean off all the debris from the car post the rain. Thus ensuring no dirt is left behind sticking to the car and damaging it later. Make it a habit to clean your car every morning before leaving for work or daily chores.

Monsoon car care tips - clean the boot lid & bonnet

When cleaning your car don’t forget the boot lid, bonnet, and underbody. Mostly leaves and twigs get stuck under the bonnet leading to the clogging of several outlets. Leaves and water can also get stuck in door gaps and later cause rust and water to leak inside the car.

Monsoon car care tips: underbody cleaning

As for the car’s underbody protection, you can do so by spraying a mixture of engine oil and diesel. It will keep away dirt and moisture, thus protecting the underbody from rust and allowing all mechanical parts to function properly. While this mixture can be used on the front suspension, avoid spraying it on the engine, exhaust, and braking disc.

Say no to car body covers:

Monsoon car care tips: no car cover

If you are thinking that putting on a car body cover will let you escape from all the efforts of cleaning the car. Then my friend you are wrong and this act of yours might land you in trouble. While the car cover might protect the car from falling leaves and twigs and the water will also flow away, the cover might stick to the car’s body. Yes, once the rain stops and the sun is out, the moisture inside will cause the cover to stick to the car’s clear coat. What will happen next? Well, when the cover is removed, chances are the car’s clear coat will peel off. This would be irreversible damage to the paint job.

Keep that paint as good as new:

Monsoon car care tips: paint protection

Rain and moisture can damage your car’s paint job for the worst. While the car aftermarket is filled with options (mostly expensive), one cheap but effective solution is the application of ceramic paint or car wax. They will make sure the water doesn’t stay on the car's surface.

Towel up:

Monsoon car care tips: towel up the seats

It is a good idea to cover up your car seats with a towel in advance. When you enter the car all wet and sit on those towelled seats the base will remain protected. Make sure the headrest and backrest are fully covered as they tend to get more drench when you sit in the car all caught up in the rain.

Try keeping it dry:

Monsoon car care tips: remove old newspapers

In case you have old newspapers lying around in the car that has done a good job of soaking the water, remember to throw them out. Also, keep the steering wheel, seat, and dashboard dry, or else mould can grow.

Get your AC serviced:

Monsoon car care tips: AC service

As soon as the monsoon begins get your car’s AC serviced. Now, these filters have to work overtime to minimize the moisture and wet grime particles that enter the car.

Learn how to use the defogger:

Monsoon car care tips: Deffogger usage

In case your car doesn’t have an automatic defogger, it is best to learn to do it manually. Turn the blower to full speed and shift the air intake mode to fresh, while positioning the vents to the front defogger position. And the job is done.

That’s all for now you guys, stay tuned for some good driving practices to follow during the monsoon.

Also Read: Let’s get to know the EV world better word-by-word: Common terms & jargons

Purva Jain

Purva Jain

Purva is a crazy admirer of cars and she has got a lot of expertise in their detailing. Though, she has mastered in Economics but cars have always been her field of interest. She is an introvert in talking but when it comes to cars and the latest news regarding them she talks like hell. Exploring new cars as well as the vintage machines is listed in her hobbies while getting to know about the history behind the same are the things which she enjoys the most. She may seem silent from the outside but inside her is a volcano erupting to engulf the mean machines.

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